Job Seeking /
Job Keeping
Program Description
The purpose of Pantheon Employment Readiness Training (PERT) is to provide a program that will facilitate our clients preparing for and engaging in voluntary integrated or supported employment services. By increasing a client’s likelihood for successful participation in Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVR), we feel we can further our mission to help individuals with the preferred outcome of community based employment to achieve their vocational goals.
Pantheon will promote this process through a variety of methods taking place in Waukesha County. Methods will include career exploration, job shadows, mock interviews, tours and skill instruction.
Pantheon will make use of more than two hundred and fifty business and agency relationships to expose our clients to a wide range of resources, businesses and learning opportunities in their local communities. The PERT program is designed to be time limited and coincide with our traditional center based employment services. Job keeping, co-worker and supervisor relationship skills taught during the program will be reinforced in the actual work environment. This program will be implemented by our trained vocational specialists who will conduct both the specific learning and community aspects of this program using a small group model.
Week 1
Overview / Skill inventory
Week 2
Skills / Abilities / Strengths
Week 3
Career exploration
Week 4
Resume writing Applications
References Cover letters
Week 5
Job interview and prep
Week 6
Post interview
Week 7
On the job
Job keeping skills
Week 8
Money Management
Business Lunch
The PERT program will be customized as much as possible to meet the needs of the individuals participating in the program. At this time, participants can expect to meet twice a week for approximately three to four hours per day over an eight week program. Participants will be in a small group with two to three other individuals, under the dedicated supervision of Vocational Integration Specialists. The participants will be transported to and from Pantheon’s work center to all of the various community activities and business locations.
Participants who have completed the program can expect the following:
A better understanding of what community employment entails
A clearer picture of their own vocational interest and goals
The ability to make a more informed choice concerning whether or not community based employment is the right choice for them
A clearer understanding of the job seeking process, including mock interviewing
A completed application and resume (cover letter when appropriate)
A more thorough understanding of what makes a successful employee and co-worker
Direction and understanding on how to proceed with the DVR application process (if they so choose)
A certificate of completion awarded at a celebratory “business lunch” on the last day of the program
For more information on Pantheon Industries' Contracted Services, please contact: